All of us, whether male or female, young or old want a thick, shiny and luxuriant growth of hair on our scalp. Hair loss is becoming a very common problem in all ages. On an average, 50% of all men and 40% of women in the world experience some type of hair loss by the age of 50 years. However, there are various causes and types of hair loss, which necessitate a detailed medical evaluation and appropriate treatment.
One can experience hair fall due to many reasons
- » Commonest cause is dietary & nutritional deficiencies such as anemia (low level of iron), low level of vitamin B12, vitamin D3 and calcium.
- » Thyroid harmone deficiency (hypothyroidism) is a very common cause in slightly older women.
- » Familial male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia can be of following grades.
Any underlying disorder or factor leading to hair fall needs to be identified and treated appropriately. Topical and oral medication, nutritional supplements remain the mainstay of treatment in all cases. Newer modalities like mesotherapy and hair transplantation are gaining popularity.
Mesotherapy helps to arrest hair fall and promote new hair growth by administration of medication directly into the hair follicle. A cocktail of medications is administered through tiny, almost painless injections to improve the blood circulation in the scalp and stimulate the hair follicles. 4 sessions of Mesotherapy given at 15 days intervals, may produce lasting and visible results. This therapy can be safely used to treat men and women, with no downtime.
A healthy balanced diet and reduction of stress through meditation or exercise may help in slowing down hair fall. Individuals with hair loss require patient counselling and alignment regarding the treatment plan.
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